Welcome to my blog.
First things first - allow me to introduce my mascot, owner, and most adorable Siamese mix ever.
This is Annabelle.
She is helping me write a paper here.
Her hobbies include supervising my knitting and spinning, terrorizing her sister Dahlia, operating a pretzel empire, and napping. After two and a half years, she has finally learned that I do not need help while knitting.
This blog is a blog of adventure. I will be posting about my current knitting and spinning, designing new garments (so, calling for test knitters), running giveaways, etc.
Keeping this blog is a long held dream for me - my goal is to post once a week. Keep me honest!
So, pictures, I know. Here's what's currently going on for me -
This is a small part of the spinning I am doing for the Spindlers group on Rav - which, by the way, add me! My username is "loosestrings." This is for a themed spin-off - Happy Thoughts and Pixie Dust. These pictures don't do it justice, it's a beautiful fiber dyed by Neauveau. It's going to be my second 3 ply, chain plyed yarn ... but first PLANNED 3 ply.
This was my very first, done on a whim because I wanted to figure out how to preserve color variations for the Pixie Dust yarn....
I have no idea what most of the terms mean .. just yet, but I love the new blog. Keep em comin!