Happy New Year!
I know, I know, it's been 10 days already. I've been busy!
Things I have accomplished in the 10 days so far of 2012:
1. Planned out/began spinning yarn for Boyfriend's birthday socks.
2. Watched Season 1 of The Walking Dead.
3. Designed and begun knitting a Legend of Zelda Triforce washcloth.
4. Began preliminary sketching for a resizeable baby hat.
5. Returned a Boye yarn ball winder (NOT recommended) that Boyfriend got me for Christmas. It was a great idea, but it winds the balls much too "softly." The angle of the wind is too shallow.
6. Bought a tried and true hand cranked winder :)
7. Put in my 2 weeks notice. I'm starting a new job!
List #2... My Knitting New Years Resolutions!
1. Design and publish at least 3 original patterns.
2. Knit my fist sweater!
3. Design and knit a resizeable baby hat for a high school friend's new baby.
4. Knit a set of washcloths for another high school friend's wedding gift.
6. Whip my Ravelry queue into shape.
7. Be smarter about the yarn I buy. Do I have a project in mind? Will I REALLY use it?
My next few blog entries will be relating to these list. Pictures next time, I promise!